Attention beer lovers: the National Museum of American History may have your dream job — traveling the country drinking brews, all expenses paid.
The job, which pays $64,650 a year, is no joke.
The Washington, DC-based museum, part of the prestigious Smithsonian Institution, wants to hire a beer specialist for three years to taste beer in breweries across the country.
“Brewing and beer have been an important part of the American experience since before the nation’s founding, and continue to shape industry and community life into the present day,” said Susan Evans, the Smithsonian’s director of Food History Programs.
The lucky historian would write articles, gather archive material and conduct research into the history of food and drink for use in exhibits.
Overwhelmed by a deluge of applicants, the museum’s online job site crashed after news about the position got out.
“Hundreds of thousands of people have been looking at the offer,” Evans said.
The job “has made a lot of noise because people are very excited that we are interested in something that concerns them (so) much,” she added.
Candidates have until August 10 to apply. Warning: competition is expected to be fierce.
The museum is seeking candidates with advanced degrees and evidence of scholarly research, preferably those who specialize in the beer industry, Evans said.
Funded by the Brewer’s Association, a national trade group, the position will also be responsible for documenting the history of beer brewing in the United States.
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