I seem to be losing little things these days. I am not sure what it is. But somehow, I find myself forgetting an accessory here and a book there. The items that have suffered most are my sweaters. I insist on carrying one every day, whatever the weather might look like. This is because what started as a bright shiny day can easily turn into a bleak rainy one, and I like to be prepared.
If I do not carry one, at least I should carry a scarf. Lately though, I have been forgetting these sweaters behind. First, I left one at an eating place in the afternoon. Hours later, I rushed back to look for it but couldn’t find it.
I was so sure it had been taken by someone until the next day when I went back for a meal and one of the nice waitresses told me I had left it and fetched it for me. I was so relieved. But then just days later, my colleagues and I paid a courtesy call to one of these big PROs in town.
I carried my sweater for two reasons – just in case it decided to pour, and in case this big PRO had his AC on full blast (can’t stand the things!).
Neither happened so I put the black little sweater on the chair and promptly forgot it there. PRO was kind enough to call me go pick it. I haven’t yet and really must not overstay my welcome.
That very week, on Saturday, I went to a friend’s place for a friends’ gathering, with another sweater. I kept it close to me just so I would not forget it. When I left the house, I got a ride in a friend’s car, and yes, I ended up forgetting the sweater in the back seat. Luckily, my friend brought the sweater to my work-place so I am not out of sweaters.
Mr thinks I should not carry them in the first place. “Just check the weather the day before and then plan on whether you should carry one,” he always says. Problem is, sometimes even if it is sunny, as long as it is a breezy afternoon, I will want to put something warm on.
Apart from those, I am forgetting other things in different places. I have always carried a diary in my bag, especially because it has important information I always refer to, but the last few weeks, I have been forgetting it home. Twice a week, I will forget so put earrings on, imagine!
I cannot say I am growing old. I am but I do not think that is the cause. Perhaps I just have too much on my plate.
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