28 June 2016

Use your taste to design your bedroom

Blend your bedroom to suit your taste. This will help you wake up calm and relaxed.  

By Racheal Irene Nalubega & Joel Brown

Wednesday, June 29 

2016 at 


In Summary

Identity. From the clothes you have in your wardrobe, the most common colour in the room, lighting, and the décor to even the smallest thing as a rug at the centre of the room. All these have a personal touch to them that defines your interests.

It is said that letting people into your bedroom is like letting them into your soul, probably for the mere fact that your bedroom is the only place in your house that defines you.
In the living room, there are many people you are supposed to consider when designing, but with your bedroom, it is your tastes that matter and the trick is playing around with your likes for bedroom that will brighten your mornings and give you peaceful nights, especially after a long day’s work.
However, when interests are involved, many people tend to just over do it which often leaves the bedroom crowded and monotonous.

The right décor
Eric Muwonge an interior designer at African art décor in Ntinda explains that bedroom décor is in most times hard to settle on especially since most people have a number of interests which they feel should be represented in the décor.
These interests are often signified in material things, for example, if someone has an interest in sports they will want to have sports balls of different kinds to reflect this interest.
“And the most creative way to use these balls would be having a display table or partition and the beauty about this is that this display is appealing to just you, which makes it unique and easy to cherish,” Muwonge explains.
The ceiling is always left out sometimes but given that the bedroom is a place to keep you calm and relieve stress, you will not only need to lie on the bed and look up the ceiling only to find it empty.
So have it painted with things that create a laid back atmosphere such as stars to bring a night version into your room or have a mirror put up the ceiling to show a reflection of you on the bed.

Rhyming colours
Décor also applies to choosing the right colours for your bedroom, so one can play around with their favourite. However pink and blue are normally never a consideration for other parts of your house apart from the bedroom which can get away with such light colours.
But people go wrong when playing around with such colours. Muwonge advises that for your bedroom to reflect your colour personality and leave it attractive all together, a neutral colour such as black and white to calm down the too much colour contrast which most times gets dull and constant with time.
Particular colours in a bedroom evoke sleep. Given the fact that a bedroom is for you to rest and feel relieved, this can be achieved with use of warm colours such as off white.
Before choosing colours for curtains, bed sheets and duvets; coordinating their colours come right from your floor or carpet colour. This will help blend all your bedroom aspects; the floor, ceiling and walls to give your bedroom an engaging sensation.

Other considerations
Repositioning your bed at least once a year so that you fall in love with your bedroom all over again.
Play around with your bedroom space whether big or small to fit your interests.



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