Kamuli District inspector of schools Ibrahim Kanakulya (R) addresses head teachers after electronic registration workshop at Busoga High School in Kamuli on Tuesday. Photo by OPIO SAM CALEB.
Primary school head teachers in Kamuli have voiced concerns regarding the electronic registration of candidates for the Uganda National Examinations’ Board (Uneb) in the Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE).
Electronic registration for PLE was introduced by Uneb in 2014. Submission of data is carried out in two phases using E-registration application and the portal gateway, but some head teachers in the district argue that Uneb instituted the system without making adequate preparations for it.
“We were not well trained and most of our schools do not have computers and connections to the Internet,” a head teacher who preferred not to be named told attendees at a one-day training in electronic registration held at Busoga High School in Kamuli on Tuesday.
As a result, he said most of them are being forced to rely on staff of Internet cafes in order to carry out the registration.
“Many errors have been made since this policy began because we rely mostly on untrained personnel or those at Internet cafes. This has made the exercise not only expensive, but also opened us up to exploitation by those who provide such services,” the teacher added amid approval from his colleagues.
However, Kamuli District inspector of schools, Mr Ibrahim Kanakulya, urged the head teachers to take it upon themselves to acquire computers and the required skills.
“Two years ago, when the LC5 chairperson urged all civil servants to become computer literate, you guys took her lightly, but the reality is here now. You must acquire computer skills and own laptops. No short cuts,” he said.
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